Saturday, October 28, 2006


this is my first blog and let me tell you something about me
Rules that bind everything in life make me feel tied down and I kinda have aversion for them.

this aversion made me think in a way different from routine and i came up with some conclusions which i want to share now

1. There is no illusion, illusion itself is an illusion so it nullifies itself and becomes nonexistent.
2. Everything is intelligence, nothing else ever existed.
3. Nothing beyond the perceiver, the so called subject, is ever there.
4. Existence is intelligence itself - no exsistence possible without intelligence.

These statements have sound logical and analytical background from various fields of life which can be discussed.


Blogger Ashoka Harichandan said...

Awareness and Bliss where do they fit in ?

6:20 PM  
Blogger Avadooth said...

dear ashoka,
awareness of the self as it is, is bliss.

experience of the self without awareness is silence. no one can call it anything here since there is no awareness.

8:09 PM  

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